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Mass Effect 3: Leviathan DLC confirmed by voice actor

Spoiler-filled Reaper add-on outed.

Mass Effect 3's rumoured Leviathan DLC has been confirmed by voice actor Anthony Skordi.

The actor confirmed to Eurogamer he would play the Reaper named Leviathan in the unannounced add-on.

The news ties in with previously-leaked script details spotted within the code of the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut.

Data mined from the Extended Cut files included a partial script for the new DLC pack.


The add-on, set before Mass Effect 3's ending, will centre on a traitorous Reaper named Leviathan.

Leviathan has been separated from the rest of the Reaper forces after killing one of its own kind.

Shepard meets Skordi's character after being sent to rescue scientist Ann Brynson. She's being held at the Reaper-indoctrinated mining facility that Leviathan controls.

The DLC may give more information on the Reapers' origins, briefly alluded to in Mass Effect 3's ending.

"So the Reapers did not fully exterminate their creators," one line of dialogue states. "That suggests they are fallible, even on large or long-term scales."

Leviathan can join Shepard's fight against the other Reapers, presumably becoming a War Asset.

BioWare is set to announce new Mass Effect DLC at the company's San Diego Comic-Con panel on Saturday - likely the Leviathan add-on and the also-leaked Earth multiplayer DLC.

Mass Effect 3.

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