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Marvelous merges with Last Story dev

AQ Interactive joins Harvest Moon studio.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Harvest Moon creator Marvelous Entertainment will merge with AQ Interactive, co-developers of Wii role-player The Last Story.

The studios will tie the knot, Kotaku understands, after several overlapping projects.

Marvelous recently tasked AQ with tweaking Suda51's beam-sword waving Wii title No More Heroes. It's already been re-released once in Japan as No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise.

AQ's PlayStation 3 update, No More Heroes: Red Zone, adds further content and Move controls.

AQ also owns localisation company Xseed, who shared publishing duties with Marvelous on excellent Wii strategy Little King's Story and role-playing Harvest Moon spin-off Rune Factory: Fronteir. Now they're all one happy family.

Marvelous and AQ are currently working together on 3DS title Animal Resort. It's a bit like Harvest Moon, but set in a zoo.

Players must restore the run-down facility after inheriting it from a long-lost Grandfather. Taking care of your animals allows you more to adopt, crowds to please and, of course, some cold hard cash.

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