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Looks like the leaked PlayStation 5 dev kit is real

V excited.

Back in August, images of a mysterious PlayStation-branded device popped up on Dutch website LetsGoDigital, purporting to be designs for a PS5 developer kit.

Today, it looks like we finally have confirmation those images were legitimate.

These machines, built for developers to offer an approximation of the technology available in a final launch console, are typically different in form factor to the box you'll eventually pop under your telly.

But this design was more than just different. It was downright space age, with a bold V-shaped void in its front, ringed by what looked like ventilation fans.

Was it a cheeky nod to the roman numeral V? PlayStation 5 is, we now know, shockingly called PlayStation 5.

Shortly after the dev kit images appeared online, they were apparently confirmed by a Codemasters employee. Writing on Twitter, this person said it was the same kit the studio had in the office. Hours later, the tweet was pulled and the person's Twitter account was deleted.

But today we have our best confirmation yet. In Wired's article on the PS5's name and first controller details, the outlet got up close with the PS5 dev kit - which "on quick glance looks a lot like the one" which previously leaked online.

Will the final PlayStation 5 console look like this? Sony declined to comment on the console's final form factor, Wired said, although we'd be surprised.

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