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Looks like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood will be re-released


Konami hasn't announced anything about an upcoming re-release of its Castlevania games, but it seems the news has slipped out anyway due to a posting by the ever-reliable Korean Game Rating Board.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood have been rated for the PS4 in Korea under the new name of "Castlevania Requiem" (according to Google translate, anyway). It sure sounds like a re-release to me, but we don't know exactly what form this will take. Will the games be completely remade from the ground up, or just remastered with a new lick of paint?


Rondo of Blood was released in Japan in 1993, and made its way onto the PSP as a remake called Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles. Its sequel, Symphony of the Night, was released on the PlayStation in 1997. The latter was initially unsuccessful in terms of sales, but received critical acclaim and over the years became something of a cult classic.

Earlier this year, Konami also announced a new mobile game called Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls - although it will unfortunately only be available in Japan. Will the Castlevania: Requiem re-releases be coming to the west?

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