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Looks like Apple is making its very own VR gaming headset

Heads up.

The Apple VR and AR headsets seem like they're only a few years away, as a new report suggests the company is working on its very own gaming headset technology.

As reported by Bloomberg, Apple is making a combined VR and AR headset "with a focus on gaming, watching video and virtual meetings". It will supposedly be released between 2021 and 2022, with a "lightweight pair of AR glasses" coming in 2023.

Bloomberg's sources told the publication Apple planned to have the technology ready for a VR headset as early as 2019, but decided to push it back - presumably to make space for the new iPad Pro set to release next year.

"Engineering teams for the iPhone and iPad have begun work on connecting important applications and software features to a new operating system", Bloomberg reports. "Dubbed 'rOS' internally, it will let current devices work with the future headset and glasses."

We reported last week that Apple had supposedly joined forces with Valve to create "AR head-mounted display devices", though this new information suggests Apple are going it alone to create a potential competitor to Valve's headset.

Apple has increasingly shown interest in the gaming side of things, what with the successful launch of Apple Arcade this year, and rumours in the past of the company working on AR headsets.

We don't know yet what games Apple plans on using its VR technology for, but there's no doubt it'll make a big fuss about it when anything gets announced in the future.

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