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LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita dev offering month's internship

Create a mini-game, see it released as DLC.

LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita developer Tarsier is offering one aspiring game creator the chance to work alongside its top men and women.

Applicants for the month-long internship will be judged on their LittleBigPlanet mini-game building skills.

You'll have until 19th October to build and submit your finished project. Sony teams across Europe will then judge the mini-game on its originality, gameplay and commercial appeal.

If successful, Sony will fly you to Sweden to spend a month polishing your creation, which will be released as a fully-fledged slice of DLC.

"Gaming is an exciting and fast-growing industry but it can be tricky to get your foot in the door," the game's product manager Elliott Linger said. "This internship offers a whole month's experience at a great studio, all for creating an awesome minigame. We're expecting hundreds of entries and can't wait to see what players of LittleBigPlanet PlayStation Vita come up with."

For more information and to sign up head over to

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