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Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream DLC hits PC, Mac, delayed on Xbox 360

Valve working with Microsoft on a release.

Cold Stream is out now on PC and Mac - but what's the hold up on Xbox 360?

The long-awaited Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream DLC has launched on PC and Mac, but it has been delayed on Xbox 360 to next week.

Via Steam it's an automatic update on PC and Mac. But what's the hold up on Xbox 360?

"We are working with MS on a release schedule," Valve's Left 4 Dead team tweeted. "We don't have an ETA yet but we hope to have it out soon. It will be 560pts."

Overnight Valve faced complaints on Twitter from angry Xbox 360 owners upset over the timing of the announcement of the delay.

"We understand the frustration, we are right there with you," Valve said. "Just wanted to wait until we had more info before posting."

Then, in response to a fan who tweeted: "Valve never had any intention to release it today. Never seen a company that hates its fans so much," the LFD team replied: "I'm gonna bite. Why would we not want to release it today? Timing it with the Games on demand release would have been perfect."

Cold Stream contains five campaigns: Crash Course; Death Toll; Dead Air; Blood Harvest and Cold Stream. The Cold Stream campaign was created by the community before being polished for release by Valve, and sees players thrust into a woods area facing off against thousands of zombies.

Plus, the Cold Stream DLC makes all mutations available and includes map updates for Mac and PC players. All of the mutations will be available on Xbox 360 as long as you own The Passing DLC.

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