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Kingdom Come: Deliverance delayed until summer 2016

Beta due later this year on Steam Early Access.

Non-fantasy medieval RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been delayed until summer 2016, developer Warhorse Studios has announced.

It was originally targeting a December 2015 release, but it's falling behind schedule. Then again, the scope of the game increased dramatically as Warhorse was initially looking for $300K and ended up with over $2.3m.

"Although we make great progress every month, there is still a lot of work ahead of us," said Warhorse's Jiří Rýdl. "We feel obliged to our backers to deliver the game with promised stretch goals in the best quality, thus we have decided to postpone the release date to summer 2016."

"We have made a great progress in 2014 as you can see in the last video update, we doubled our staff, moved to new offices, built a motion capture studio, released technology alpha, finished the quests documentation, made bigger map, implemented AI, prepared assets for new locations, tested the console versions, made first original music tracks and much more," he added. Clearly Warhorse has been busy.

In the meantime, those who've pledged at least $45 can enjoy the technical alpha, which now has a lock-picking mini-game, new quests, and temporary voice acting.

A beta is due later this year, and Warhorse noted that it would like to bring this to Steam Early Access to get more feedback.

Kingdom Come director Daniel Vavra said in the latest video update that he'd like to make the beta encompass about the first quarter of the game, ala Wasteland 2.

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For more on Kingdom Come: Deliverance, check out our Let's Play of the technical alpha in which Bertie and Wes muck about in medieval Bohemia.

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