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Kinect Star Wars developed by 10 different teams

But Harmonix denies any involvement with dancing mini-game.

Kinect Star Wars is the product of 10 separate development teams, according to the LinkedIn profile of the game's senior producer.

As spotted by Twitter sleuth Superannuation, the producer's online resumé states that he "supervised 1 PC and 9 external teams (200+ heads)".

Among those thought to be involved are Terminal Reality (Ghostbusters: The Video Game), Frontier Developments (Kinectimals), LucasArts, visual effects studio Rhythm & Hues and Skywalker Sound.

A subsequent Superannuation Tweet suggested that Legendary: The Box studio Spark Unlimited was also involved, though that hasn't yet been confirmed.

Given the similarities between Dance Central and Kinect Star Wars' dance mini-game, there has been speculation that Harmonix might have code-shared or assisted in some way. Not so.

Harmonix marketing man John Drake posted the following on his Twitter feed earlier today:

"Pre-emptive tweet, since I'm seeing q's again: @Harmonix and @Dance_Central have nothing to do w/the dancing mini-game in Kinect Star Wars."

The fruit of all that labour finally arrived in stores last week on the back of some scathing reviews.

"Overall, Kinect Star Wars is an incoherent and clumsy compilation, one driven more by brand synergy than any creative imperative," read Eurogamer's 5/10 Kinect Star Wars review.

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