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Japan chart: 3DS XL launch a bigger success than DSi or DSi XL

New Super Mario Bros. 2 pipes in 430,000 copies.

More than 193,000 3DS XL consoles have been sold in Japan in just two days, chart company Enterbrain has announced.

The figures (reported by Famitsu) compare favourably to the launches of other Nintendo hardware revisions. The DSi and DSi XL sold fewer during their opening two days in Japan - 170,000 and 103,000, respectively. Mind you, both launched a bit later in their parent system's (DS) lifecycle.

The 3DS XL's launch was accompanied by New Super Mario Bros. 2, which managed a whopping 430,000 sales in two days.

The original DS New Super Mario Bros. did even better than that, with 480,000 sales in only one day. It went on to notch up 900,000 sales in a single week.

In the UK, Nintendo has no plans to announce 3DS XL sales figures, VG247 reported, following the console's launch here last Saturday.

Will it be as successful as the DSi XL? Nintendo's other super-sized handheld sold 12.12 million units worldwide: 2.34 million in Japan, 5.17 million in the Americas and 4.61 million in "other regions", including Europe.

New Super Mario Bros. 2.

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