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Infinity Ward breaks four-month silence to confirm maps it added then pulled from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will return


Infinity Ward has confirmed the new maps it pulled from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will return to the game.

Last week, Infinity Ward pulled two of the new maps it surprise-added to the game earlier in April.

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Modern Warfare unexpectedly received three new maps at the beginning of April - four months after Activision left the game behind to focus on Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.

The maps, added to the game as part of the mammoth mid-season two update, were Killhouse, Al-Raab Airbase (6v6) and Drainage (Gunfight).

Killhouse was added to Multiplayer alongside the new Killhouse 24/7 playlist. Killhouse remains playable available today.

However, Al-Raab Airbase (6v6) and Drainage (Gunfight) were only ever available to play in private matches. Then Infinity Ward pulled them from the game.

This bizarre development came without any explanation from either Activision or Infinity Ward, although perhaps that was unsurprising since neither company acknowledged the arrival of the maps in the first place.

Now, Infinity Ward has tweeted to say the maps will return: "We recently released two new maps to Modern Warfare, Drainage and Al-Raab Airbase which were available in private match," Infinity Ward said.

"We temporarily removed them as they aren't quite ready and need a bit more love before returning. We'll update soon on when they'll be back!"

It's the first tweet from Infinity Ward since 8th March (although there have been a couple of retweets since then), and the first tweet directly about Modern Warfare since the middle of December.

Strangely, Infinity Ward has still yet to breath a word about Killhouse's addition to the game - despite it still being live.

In December, Modern Warfare's season six came to an end with no sign of a season seven. Modern Warfare launched on 25th October 2019. Since then, it's seen the launch of free-to-play battle royale Warzone, Treyarch and Raven's Black Ops Cold War, and six seasons' worth of new content and battle passes.

It was thought dead, but the addition of new maps suggests Modern Warfare had not been entirely forgotten.

Fans had hoped Captain John "Soap" MacTavish would be added as a new operator to the game, since he's mentioned in Modern Warfare and heard in Warzone, but so far he's nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he'll be added as part of Warzone's upcoming nuke event.

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