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I spy with my beardy eye some wonderful new Witcher 3 screenshots

What a handsome world.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Bearded beauty Geralt and his serrated bread-knife sword have appeared in a batch of new Witcher 3 screenshots, fresh out of E3 (via AllGamesBeta).

They give a good look at the older, bearded we've seen Witcher 3's debut trailer - and who we've seen in key artwork. He's on horseback with a monster's head strapped to his steed - the same monster he's seen fighting in other screenshots. Is it from this older Geralt's mouth that The Witcher 3's story is told?

The other screenshots show a younger Geralt whose hair is tied in a ponytail - a familiar look. What's particularly striking about these images is the world around him: the crooked Tudor-style houses, the misty dock, the ruined stone walls, the many different plants and bushes - the attention to detail, in other words.

Another visual hallmark of The Witcher series evident here is the sensible, grounded-in-reality design of the equipment Geralt wears - how his swords are strapped believably to his back rather than held there seemingly by magic, for instance.

There are a few dollops of artwork in the gallery as well for good measure.

The Witcher 3 is due out on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in autumn 2014.

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