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How to change Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2

How to respec of the Arisen and Main Pawn.

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Knowing how to change Vocation, or respec, in Dragon's Dogma 2 will let you experience different combat styles and unlock new abilities. This comes in handy if you need to defeat a foe weak to a particular Vocation's skill set or just fancy changing up the combat a little.

To change Vocation, or do any form of respeccing, in Dragon's Dogma 2, you first have to collect Discipline. Without this you won't be able to unlock any new Weapon Skills, Core Skills or Augments either.

Below we walk you through how to change Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2, along with taking a look at how to get Discipline.

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How to change Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2

If you want to change the Vocation of either the Arisen or Main Pawn (or both) in Dragon's Dogma 2, then you need to visit a Vocation Guild, such as the one in Vernworth. Certain inns, like the one in Melve, will also offer you the chance to change your Vocation.

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Once you're at the Vocation Guild, talk to the person behind the desk (a sign of importance) before selecting either 'Change Vocation' or 'Acquire/Equip Skills.' It doesn't matter which option you pick as they will both take you to the respec menu - just different sections of it.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Within the respec menu, you'll be able to change your Vocation, Weapon Skills, Core Skills and Augments for both the Arisen and Main Pawn. Doing so, however, first requires you to have unlocked these abilities or Vocations by spending Discipline, which we cover in the next section. As, outside of the starting four Vocations, you'll have to fulfill requirements to access them, such completing Vocation Frustration for the Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations.

You'll also unlock more Weapon Skills, Core Skills and Augments by levelling up, but unlocking Vocations works a little differently.

Changing Vocation

To change your Vocation, you first need to unlock a new Vocation by selecting 'Acquire' and spending the required amount of Discipline. From this point onwards, you'll be able to switch to this Vocation whenever you like; though make sure you unlock some skills the first time you do so. Thankfully, you won't have to reassign your Weapon Skills or Augments if you enjoy jumping between Vocations.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Upon switching to a different Vocation, you'll be asked if you want to visit the Equipment Menu, which can be quite useful if you've gathered some new gear for the Vocation you've switched to.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

It's important to remember that, when you first begin Dragon's Dogma 2, you'll only have access to the four starting Vocations - Fighter, Archer, Mage and Thief. As you undertake your adventure, however, you'll be able to unlock additional Vocations, such as Warrior and Sorcerer.

There are also four Vocations exclusive to the Arisen - Magick Archer, Mystic Spearhead, Trickster and Warfarer. Your Main Pawn can not have one of these Vocations.

Changing Weapon Skills

You can have up to four Weapon Skills assigned at one time and the respec menu not only allows you to unlock new ones, but decide which button said skill is assigned to. Certain Weapon Skills also have advanced forms, which are now powerful versions of the skill, so make sure you visit a Vocation Guild regularly to ensure you have the best skills available to you.

Both Weapon Skills and their advanced forms cost Discipline.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Core Skills explained

There's no limit on the amount of Core Skills you can unlock or have assigned, so you're free to unlock as many as you like. Just remember how to use them!

Just like with the Weapon Skills and Vocations, you'll need to spend Discipline to unlock new Core Skills.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Changing Augments

Augments span across the Vocations and any Augment can be assigned no matter which Vocation you have. This means if you unlock an Augment, such as Subtlety as a Thief, but then change your Vocation, you're still able to assign that Augment. Like everything on the respec menu, you'll have to spend Discipline to unlock them.

You can have a maximum of six Augments assigned to both the Arisen and Main Pawn. All of the Augments, along with their abilities, can be viewed from the 'Vocations' section of the respec menu.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

How to get Discipline in Dragon's Dogma 2

You can get Discipline in Dragon's Dogma 2 by defeating enemies and completing quests. Once you've gathered a good amount of Discipline, head to a Vocation Guild where you can spend it on new Weapon Skill, Core Skill, Augments and even respec your Arisen or Main Pawn by changing their vocation.

It's important to note that the Discipline you gather is shared between the Arisen and Main Pawn. This means you will have to watch what you spend, because, if you use it all on your Arisen, you won't be able to unlock anything for the Main Pawn until you've gathered some more Discipline. Thankfully the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 is full of enemies, so you're never short on Discipline sources.

Where to find how much Discipline you have on the Vocation Guild menu. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Your current amount of Discipline can be found in the top-right hand corner of the Vocation Guild respec menu. Keep in mind that, the more powerful the skill or Augment, the higher amount of Discipline you'll need to unlock it.

Hope you enjoy respeccing your Arisen in Dragon's Dogma 2!

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