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How to make Biomass in Lego Fortnite

Best materials to use to create Biomass.

lego fortnite tiger facing cow
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

Making Biomass in Lego Fortnite is an important skill to master as you will need it for a plethora of recipes, an for helping power your own vehicle if you've made one.

Just like other Lego Fortnite materials, Biomass is actually made from another material that has been processed in a specific machine. However, gaining this material is fifty percent luck and fifty percent the items you choose to process.

If that's confusing then don't worry, we're here to show you how to make Biomass in Lego Fortnite.

How to make Biomass in Lego Fortnite

You'll need a Compost Bin to make Biomass in Lego Fortnite.

Once you've built one of these machines you can add organic materials to the Compost Bin. So far, we've found that the best way to make Biomass is to add Meat to the Compost Bin. You can get meat from various animals in your world, including Cows, Wolves, and Sheep.

To do this, select a compatible material from your inventory menu after interacting with the Compost Bin and transfer it to the Bin's containment unit.

lego fortnite biomass material transfer menu
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

From here, the materials will automatically start processing but it can take a while so you can go away to do something else and then come back later. You can collect products created by the Compost Bin via the Created Compost section marked on the image below:

lego fortnite compost bin created compost menu
Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

You won't always get Biomass through this process as you could also gain Fertilizer and other materials, but we've had the most success with getting this material by processing Meat.

Now that you've got Biomass, you're one step closer to building your own Vehicle in Lego Fortnite and creating Power Cells.

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