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How to get the Fire Pipe in Rise of the Ronin

No swords or shurikens can beat the power of a flamethrower.

As part of your arsenal in Rise of the Ronin, the Fire Pipe, which is basically a flamethrower, is a powerful secondary weapon to deal with groups of enemies.

Set in the period of Japan's history when other nations arrive in the country and Japanese people get in touch with their culture as well as scientific knowledge, Rise of the Ronin shows how their society changes in general. At the same time, the game utilizes this setting to justify interesting inventions that some characters come up with.

Among these creations, there is the flamethrower which is great when facing more than one enemy in the game. In this guide, we cover how to unlock and where to get the Fire Pipe in Rise of the Ronin.

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How to unlock the Fire Pipe in Rise of the Ronin

Before you can start setting enemies on fire, you need to unlock the Fire Pipe by inventing it with Igashichi Iizuka. After having completed the Locating the Camera mission and establishing a bond with Igashichi, you can talk to him in Yokohama at the photographic studio in the Honcho area.

Igashichi Iizuka is responsible for inventing many other tools or upgrading others. To unlock this function, you need to give him one Foreign Book, which you find in chests. At Bond Level 1, you can already invent the Fire Pipe and the Detector.

Establish a bond with Igashichi Iizuka to unlock the Fire Pipe in Rise of the Ronin

Inventing a tool doesn’t mean it goes directly to your inventory. First, you need to complete specific Bond Mission.

How to get the Fire Pipe in Rise of the Ronin

After you have invented the Fire Pipe with Igashichi Iizuka, you can only start using it after completing the A Lucky Find Put to Use Bond Mission. Giving him the first Foreign Book and paying to create the Fire Pipe triggers a dialogue where he asks you a favor, giving you the chance to start the quest.

This is not a difficult mission to complete but it is considerably long. You start following him to a specific location where Igashichi keeps his inventions. Once you arrive at the right place, he will give you the Detector, which you should use to locate enemies in your surroundings and assassinate them. Although this is a stealth-focused segment, the mission won’t fail if you’re caught by the enemies.

Clear the path to get to the storehouse, where, after a dialogue, you receive the Fire Pipe to defend the building from a few waves of enemies. Finish all enemies to complete the mission. Now, you have the Fire Pipe to equip in one of the two slots of secondary weapons. Keep in mind that the Fire Pipe will only work if you have the Fire Pipe Fuel in your inventory. You can carry up to three of these. Visit an Apothecary to craft them when you run out of fuel or want to stock it.

During the mission A Lucky Find Put to Use, you learn how to use the Fire Pipe

Good luck with the rest of your adventure in Rise of the Ronin!

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