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How to beat Phoenix in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Tips and tricks for beating the Phoenix Summon Entity.

ff7 rebirth phoenix summon entity
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Beating the Phoenix in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the Summon Entity battles you can do in Chadley's Combat Simulator. You must beat this Entity at least once to gain its Summon Materia and add it to your Summons inventory.

Phoenix is the second Summon Entity you'll come across in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you'll discover them in the Junon Region. You can battle them without finding Divine Intel, but this foe is tricky so we highly advise finding these Summon Crystals before attempting to battle this fiery beast.

Without further ado, we're here to show you how to beat the Phoenix in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

On this page:

All Divine Intel locations for Phoenix in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Here are all of the Summon Crystal locations for the Phoenix Summon Entity Divine Intel in Junon:

ff7 rebirth junon summon crystal map location part two
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix
ff7 rebirth junon summon crystal map locations part one
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

We highly recommend finding all of these and syncing with the data here to have the option to battle a significantly weaker Phoenix in the Combat Simulator.

Best Party Build for beating Phoenix in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Now, before we get into this bit, it's important to remember that the ultimate best build will be one that suits your preferred playstyle and tactics. This section is listing the build that we found to be the most effective in all of our Phoenix encounters.

With that in mind, we found that this was the best party build for beating Phoenix in FF7 Rebirth:

  • Cloud - Leader
  • Barret
  • Red XII
ff7 rebirth phoenix battle team cloud barret red xiii
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

We found that Cloud's brute force attacks combined with Barret's ranged ones and Red's ability to have swift attacks before moving away kept the Phoenix on its toes. The trio allowed us to inflict plenty of damage on the Summon Entity while keeping the rest of the enemies under control.

However, no matter what party build you use, we suggest that you make sure each member has a type of Healing Materia equipped to them. You cannot use items in the Combat Simulator, but you can use Spells (provided you have enough MP) to regain health.

How to beat Phoenix in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Once you've decided your party, it's time to start the run up to the fight and battling the Phoenix itself. There are multiple difficulty options on offer, but for this page we're going to show you how to beat the Phoenix in FF7 at its Full Might difficulty level.

Difficulty Options

If you've taken the time to visit and sync with all of the Phoenix Summon Crystals in Junon, then you'll have four difficulty options for battling this Summon Entity:

  • Full Might - Battle the Phoenix at its maximum strength.
  • Power down one - Battle a slightly weaker Phoenix.
  • Power down two - Battle a weaker Phoenix.
  • Power down three - Battle a significantly weakened Phoenix.

Remember, the Materia reward for beating them will not change depending on which level you choose, it will always be a four star Phoenix Summon Materia.

ff7 rebirth phoenix combat simulator difficulty menu
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Full Might Phoenix Stats

These are all of the Phoenix's resistances:

  • Weakness/Detrimental Status Effect - Ice.
  • Lesser Resistances - Poison.
  • Immunities - Proportional Damage, Beserk, Slower, Stop, Silence, Sleep, Stone, Morphable Items.
  • Absorbed Elements - Fire.
ff7 rebirth phoenix combat simulator fight
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

These are useful Phoenix stats for when they're staggered:

  • Effective - Ranged Attack, Direct Attack, Magic, Ice.
  • Immune - Fire
ff7 rebirth cloud and red xiii running toward phoenix entity
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Phoenix Attacks

Here are all of the Phoenix's attacks they can use in battle, what they do and whether you should dodge or attempt to block them:

Attack Element/Effect Dodge/Block
Fire Elemental Fire attack. Dodge or Block.
Fira Strong elemental Fire attack. Dodge or Block.
Surging Flame Phoenix emits bursts of flames targeting each person in your party. Dodge or Block.
Incadescent Burst Area of effect attack, Phoenix will unleash a wide circle of flame around themselves engulfing large portion of the area. Dodge.
Flaming Geyser Fire attack - Phoenix will shoot out flames into the ground that will erupt through floor to hit party members. Dodge or Block.
Crimson Rondure Area of effect attack, Phoenix pulls wings into itself then unleashes a large area of explosive flame in a circle around it. Heavily damaging. Dodge or Block.
Crimson Emanation Area of effect attack, Phoenix unleashes fire attack for the area in front of it and slightly to sides of it. Dodge.
Crimson Tetrad Area of effect attack, Phoenix emits large explosion of flames out from itself across most of area. Stay as far away from target as possible to avoid being hit. Medium damage. Dodge.
Crimson Aurora Area of effect attack, Phoenix emits large explosion of flames out from itself across entire area. Further from Phoenix it will go in striped sections, dodge to non-lit areas to avoid. High damage. Dodge.
Rending Talons Phoenix will fly up and dive attack a member of the party. Dodge (as targeted party member).
Blazing Onrush Physical attack inflicted on party members, no elemental effects. Dodge or Block.
Flame of Life Phoenix summons orbs that float around it, happens before Breath of Creation. N/A
Breath of Creation Summons several enemies around them, must defeat these to damage the Phoenix. Faith and Bravery are active during this. Dodge while focusing attacks on enemy spawns.
Empowering Flame Protect, Shell, Bravery all activate. N/A
Wings of Flame Phoenix will engulf its wings in flames then fly across the battlefield, aiming to hit as many party members as possible while setting the immediate area around it on fire. Dodge.
Rebirth Flame Phoenix gains a bit of HP, unleashes a devastating frontal flame attack upon remerging and summons three enemies to fight alongside it. Dodge away from front of Phoenix when it reappears. Dodge enemy attacks, focus on taking them out.
ff7 rebirth phoenix wings of flame attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Tips for beating the Phoenix

Know that you know all about the Phoenix and its attacks, here are a few handy tips and tricks for defeating the Phoenix:

  • Phoenix cannot be damaged while its summons are attached - Whenever Phoenix calls on other enemies to fight for it through Breath of Creation, it cannot take on any damage. Instead, focus your energy on defeating the summoned enemies first.
  • Pressure Phoenix during Empowering Flame - While Phoenix is using Empowering Flame, throw every attack you have at it to damage them and pressure them. We found Barret's limit-break ability 'Fire in the Hole' particularly useful.
  • Watch out for Rebirth Flame - If Empowering Flame is used twice without being interrupted, the Phoenix will then use Rebirth Flame. Try to interrupt the Phoenix and damage them whenever you see Empowering Flame to stop this from happening.
  • Use Titan Summon - If you've gathered them before heading to Junon, then use the Grasslands Titan Summon once they're available in the battle. Having a large helping hand will increase your chances of beating Phoenix.
  • ff7 rebirth titan summon in phoenix fight
    Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix
  • Watch the attack names - Each time Phoenix is about to use an attack, the name of it will appear above them. This will give you a few seconds to decide whether to block or dodge the incoming attack, and gives you a fraction of time to prepare for what's coming.
  • Manage your MP - You cannot use items in the Combat Simulator, so be wise with how you use up your MP. Try to use it only at key moments when it will be the most useful, such as casting Blizzara when the Phoenix is staggered or Cura when your party members need it.
  • Equip Healing Materia - If you can, give each party member a piece of Healing Materia before this battle. Again, you cannot use items during the fight, so this will be the best way to regain lost HP.
  • Be Patient - Fighting the Phoenix is all about judging when to dodge, block and strike. If you go in sword-blazing, it's likely you'll be killed within a few minutes. Be patient and strike when the opportune moments present themselves.
  • Use Limit Break - As long as it's not when the Phoenix has summons on the field, using a party member's limit break ability when it's available can quickly turn the tide of the fight.
ff7 rebirth cloud limit break stance
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

That's it for now! If you're fighting this entity while still in Junon, check out our other FF7 Rebirth pages. We've got one listing all of the Junon Cache locations plus two others detailing how to get the Junon Chocobo, and a Stuck in a Rut walkthrough.

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