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Here's LA Noire in 4K


Rockstar's released a new trailer for L.A. Noire that's presented in 4K. You will of course need a 4K display to enjoy it in all its glory.

The video touches on the story of detective Cole Phelps as he rises through the LAPD ranks and arrives just a few weeks before L.A. Noire comes out on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the Nintendo Switch on 14th November.

L.A. Noire for PS4 and Xbox One includes the original game and all of the DLC as well as improved lighting and clouds, new cinematic camera angles and high resolution textures. The game displays in 1080p native on PS4 and Xbox One, and 4K on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.

Watch on YouTube

The Switch version includes the original game and all of the DLC, as well as a Joy-Con mode with gyroscopic, gesture-based controls, HD rumble and new wide and over-the-shoulder camera angles, plus contextual touch screen controls for portable play.

Team Bondi's detective game also comes out for HTC Vive as L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files. This features seven select cases rebuilt for VR.

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