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Here's a teaser for Gwent's single-player story campaign, Thronebreaker

House of cards.

CD Projekt has unveiled more of Gwent's story campaign, called Thronebreaker.

The Witcher spin-off collectible card game has all the competitive modes you'd expect of the genre, as well as a substantial single-player story mode. It stars Meve, a war-veteran queen of two Northern Realms. Here's the official blurb:

"Facing an imminent foreign invasion, Meve is forced to once again enter the warpath, and sets out on a dark journey of destruction and revenge."

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The campaign sees players explore never before seen parts of the Witcher world. There are quests, resource gathering and custom-made story battles that mess with the game rules. When I saw Gwent at E3 in 2016, it looked like the campaign was played on a huge overworld you viewed from a top-down perspective. Definitely one to watch.

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