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Heavenly Sword demo soon

Burning bush told us.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Mat Hart, head of production at Ninja Theory, reckons we could be seeing a Heavenly Sword demo any day now.

"I can confirm that we are, of course, going to be releasing a demo for Heavenly Sword - and soon! This will be downloadable via the Playstation Network, so keep an eye out for it in the very near future - and I mean very near future!" Hart spilled on the developer's IGN blog.

Of course, next week sees the new-look E3 take place in Santa Monica, where each of the platform holders will be giving the usual annual conference spiel. The Heavenly Sword demo could coincide with this, what with being a key exclusive title for Sony and all that, but who knows?

Mat Hart also went on to confirm that the game will be presented in 720p and unfortunately not ship with a fancy collector's edition.

We recently had the chance to talk to Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades about what could be a console-selling title for the PS3. Pop over to our Heavenly Sword interview to find out what he had to say.

Heavenly Sword is due for release exclusively on PlayStation 3 this September.

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