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Haze finally gets release date

Absolutely Mantle.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ubisoft has finally plastered a date on Haze, which will be out on 22nd May.

The slippery shooter from Free Radical was, once upon a time, expected at the end of last year, but was subsequently nudged and budged into the first quarter of fiscal 2008 (sometime between April and June).

Haze was originally pencilled in for release on Xbox 360 and PC at a later date as well, although Ubisoft recently decided to make it a permanent exclusive on PS3. Or not. No one knows any more and frankly we're tired of asking.

Haze is a first-person shooter with squad elements and four-player co-operative play. The idea is that you are an ex-member of a global military company that outsources its soldiers, and also uses a powerful drug called Nectar to keep itself on top of the market.

Key to differentiating Haze from the FPS pack is how you exploit the effects of Nectar with your rebel forces. For instance, soldiers high on the drug will become arrogant and ignore you playing dead, or you can simply sever their feed-tubes so they overdose and start killing each other.

Pop over to our Haze gamepage for plenty of in-game footage.

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