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Hawken to support Oculus Rift upon launch this December

VR goggles mech for a good time.

Free-to-play mech combat game Hawken will launch with Oculus Rift support upon release on 12th December.

This makes the Unreal 3 Engine-based Hawken the second game to officially support the tech, alongside Doom: BFG Edition.

Of course the snazzy VR goggles won't be commercially available then, but those who pledge upwards of $300 on its Kickstarter will get a dev kit come December.

Developer Adhesive Games has rejigged the cockpit and HUD to accommodate for being able to swivel one's head around inside a giant cockpit.

"This is going to be a great opportunity for the player to experience Hawken in the best possible way," said creative director of Adhesive Khang Le.

Check out out Hakwen operates in VR in the new developer walkthrough below.

Currently the Oculus Rift Kickstarter is at $1,953,986, nearly octupling its $250,000 goal, with four days to go before the deadline 1st September.

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