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Halo marks 10th birthday with art book

Coffee table tome due out in October.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft is marking the Halo franchise's 10th birthday with a lavish 192-page hardback art book.

So grand it needs two titles, Halo: The Great Journey: The Art of Building Worlds collects over 400 images from Bungie's universe, encompassing early sketches to final concept art. Many of the original artists will be providing commentary on their work.

Published by Titan Books, it will be on shelves from 18th October priced at £24.99.

That's not all Microsoft has up its sleeve to celebrate its flagship FPS's big day. The inaugural Halo Fest is taking place during the annual PAX event in Seattle this August, while speculation is rife that a remake of Combat Evolved is in the works.

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