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Guild Wars 2 suffers huge delay

MMO sequel now "TBA 2010/11".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

NCsoft has pushed the launch of Guild Wars 2 back to "TBA 2010/2011".

Word comes from financial 2008 roundup papers (spotted by Voodoo Extreme), although there's no reason for the hefty delay. Yet.

Guild Wars 2 had, once upon a time, been pencilled in for launch last year. So far, however, we've seen nothing of the sequel, just heard tidbits of projected features and word there will be no early-days beta - ArenaNet feels there's much more riding on Guild Wars 2.

Whether that means the game design has changed from the level limit-less original concept ideas, we don't know. But all we do know can be found on our Guild Wars 2 gamepage.

Interestingly, the same NCsoft financial report shows Guild Wars 1 has 5.8 million active account as of December 2008. The MMO is free-to-play, however - the only costs involved are buying the game/expansions.

Active account-counts for NCsoft's other MMOs are not given. We do, though, know the highest concurrent user count for each month: Aion had 238,181 people, Lineage had 162,328, Lineage II had 109,850 and City of Heroes/Villains had 13,823.

Most of the traffic and sales come from Korea, and NCsoft makes over half its sales revenue from the Lineage series alone.

Aion will launch across Europe and North America by the end of the year.

Our Aion: The Tower of Eternity gamepage has much more information on.

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