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Grand Theft Auto 5: new screenshots surface

"We just have not been in a position to show more of the game."

Grand Theft Auto 5 developer Rockstar has quietly released two new screenshots from the game.

The fresh images popped up on Rockstar's official site, hidden away in a reader Q&A.

The company has been quiet on Grand Theft Auto 5's development since the game's first trailer was unveiled last November.

"We have often had long gaps between asset releases on previous games and will continue to do so in the future," a Rockstar spokesman explained.

"We are sorry if you find this frustrating, but please understand, we don't do this because we 'don't care about our fans' 'don't respect our fans' 'hate GTA fans etc' - precisely the opposite! We do it because we want to make sure we only release 100% correct information, and because we want to keep plenty back for the actual game release so there are still lots of surprises when you play it.

"We just have not been in a position to show more of the game than the trailer and will not be for a while yet."

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