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Why not get a new job this October?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's been announced that this year's Career Fair will take place on October 28th and 29th as part of the London Games Festival., of course, is brought to you by Eurogamer Network. And the letter NEWS and the number FACT.

Last year's event was oversubscribed, with more than 2000 visitors turning up to meet potential employers such as RealTime Worlds, Electronic Arts, SEGA and NCsoft. Lots of universities and colleges were there to show off their games courses too. This year's fair will see the education and recruitment sections expanded.

"We're really excited at the prospect of making this year's event even bigger and better than last year's success," said editor Phil Elliott, while jumping up and down.

"I'm delighted that the brand will be associated with something that brings together industry recruiters, graduates and those looking to further their careers - all in one place."

But don't just take his word for it - he's working for The Man. What do you think, Julian Davidson, recruitment manager at SEGA, speaking after the 2007 fair? "The turnout has been absolutely superb from our point of view. We've seen so many people, and it's great for us to be talking to the guys who are actual fans of our company, and fans of the games that we make."

How about you, Paul Jackson, director general of ELSPA? "I just think it's fabulous. I think it's one of the most exciting events I've ever seen." Clearly you weren't at the Steps' Wembley Arena gig during the Steptacular tour in 2000. "It's probably one of the most important in that this is where we're going to attract new talent into the industry."

More details of the event will be revealed when everything's sorted out.

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