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Game of Thrones opening meets Legend of Zelda

Starring Groose Bolton?

What would Game of Thrones be like if it was set in Hyrule? You'd probably be less likely to tuck into chicken.

Instead, a team of animators has recreated the HBO show's opening sequence using the 2D Hyrule map from A Link to the Past, accompanied by a new arrangement of the classic Zelda theme.

The CG animation is the work of YouTube user Megasteakman, and comes just days before Game of Thrones returns for its long-awaited fifth season.

Nintendo recently downplayed suggestions that it was developing its own Legend of Zelda TV series with Netflix.

An earlier report claimed that Nintendo had begun talks with the streaming service to produce a small screen spin-off, pitched as a Game of Thrones-type series but for a family audience.

Watch the Game of Thrones meets Legend of Zelda opening below:

Watch on YouTube

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