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Frostpunk adds free story DLC the Fall of Winterhome

Sounds Stark.

11 bit Studios has released a free new story scenario, The Fall of Winterhome, for frozen PC city-building game Frostpunk.

The scenario tells how Winterhome, a town you seek during the main campaign, fell. It offers hours of story as well as new visuals, mechanics, buildings (Repair Station and others) "and more", according to the Frostpunk update blurb and patch notes.

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Scenarios are Frostpunk's thing to do after you finish the main campaign. They're shorter, tighter capsules of campaign focused around stretching a few mechanics to their limits rather than offering the whole toolbox for use. They're challenging as a result.

Winterhome is the third significant addition to Frostpunk since the game's April release. The even-harder Survivor Mode was added first followed by customisation options for people and automatons, and there's still a never-ending Endurance mode and photo mode to come. That's 2018; 2019 will bring more, as yet unspecified, treats.

I reviewed Frostpunk and I loved it. It blends city-building and against-the-odds survival to thrilling effect, all while asking your strained conscience how far you are prepared to go to succeed. (Quite far indeed it turned out...)

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