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First Wasteland 2 footage emerges

Features adjustable camera, gun waving.

The first footage of Wasteland 2 has emerged from series creator Brian Fargo's The Power of the Crowd speech at Unite 2012.

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The minute long clip doesn't show much I'm afraid, as it's focused on the scorpion battle scenario portrayed in the game's first released screenshot, but it does show how the camera can be adjusted from an isometric view to a more oldschool top-down perspective. We can also see some goofy gun-toting animations from the rather rambunctious scallywags facing off against the colossal arachnid.

Bear in mind this is early footage. Fargo promoted the video on twitter, where he said, "Here's footage from WL2 that shows off camera angle diversity. Don't worry about animation speeds, effects etc."

Wasteland 2 is being developed by inExile Entertainment. It's due for release October 2013 on PC and Mac.

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