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First L.A. Noire DLC revealed?

Nicholson Electroplating Arson Case sighted.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

What looks like L.A. Noire's first DLC add-on has been outed in a retail advert.

According to a Best Buy flyer, spotted by Joystiq, the first 16 customers who purchase the game at any of the US chain's midnight launch events will receive a code to unlock the "first DLC pack", titled Nicholson Electroplating Arson Case, as soon as it's released.

There's no word yet on exactly what the add-on contains or when it will be available, but we'll update when we find out more.

Developer Bondi Games discussed DLC plans last week, hinting that there is plenty of post-launch content to come for its detective epic, due out on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 later this week.

"We've got two full desks – burglary and bunko – that never made it into the game," explained studio boss Brendan McNamara. "We've been thinking about those and whether we'll do them."

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