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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth combat tips for every character

Best Cloud, Tifa and Aerith abilities explained.

Close up of blonde spiky haired Cloud looking angry with other characters behind him
Image credit: Square Enix

Throughout Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth you'll need to play as all characters in the party and everyone's combat works a little differently.

While you'll mainly play as Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you'll want to swap between characters to use their abilities. Plus there are also moments where you're forced to use specific characters, so it's a good idea to understand their unique abilities.

Here's our guide for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth combat with each character and tips for their best abilities.

On this page:

Best abilities and combat tips:

How does combat work in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Combat works mostly the same in Rebirth as it does in Remake. All characters have a basic attack on Square used to build up their ATB gauge up to two points (or more with certain abilities). These points can then be spent on spells, item use, or character-specific abilities in the X menu. Importantly, each character has a unique move on Triangle that determines how best to use them.

Abilities are learned by equipping the relevant weapon and using them repeatedly in battle until mastered. For each ability, we've noted the associated weapon in brackets afterwards.

A new addition in Rebirth is Synergy. Synergy skills, performed while blocking, builds the ATB gauge quicker, while Synergy Abilities are powerful moves best used during bosses. For more, check out our Synergy Skills guide.

Yuffie and Cait Sith team-up to fight an enemy in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Square Enix

Cloud best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

Cloud is an all-rounder who excels at either magic or melee depending on weapon choice (or a balance of both). He's able to slash away at enemies close-up, but also hit distant enemies with energy blasts when attacking immediately after a dodge.

Cloud's Triangle move puts him in the slow-moving defensive state Punisher Mode - holding R to block means he will automatically counter physical attacks and can then follow up with a flurry of sword swipes using Square. This is particularly useful with one-on-one melee-focused boss battles.

Two of Cloud's best abilities are the default Triple Slash and Braver. The former is useful for hitting multiple enemies, while the latter is a powerful strike best used against staggered enemies that doesn't take too long to charge up. Focused Strike (Buster Sword) is also great for raising the Stagger gauge of enemies on the ground.

Extreme close up of Cloud with blonde spiky hair looking moody
Image credit: Square Enix / Eurogamer

Tifa best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

Tifa excels at melee combat with the best strength stats in the game. However, she's best used against single targets rather than groups. Buff her strength further with the right weapons and Materia to make her a real powerhouse.

The key to using Tifa is understanding the Chi levels of Unbridled Strength. At Chi level one, her Triangle move is a quick and powerful Whirling Uppercut, but this can be boosted up to two Chi levels stronger using her Unbridled Strength ability: level two is Omnistrike, level three is Rise and Fall. Once those moves are used, her Chi level will drop by one. It's a good idea, therefore, to give Tifa ATB boosting Materia so she can quickly use Unbridled Strength to improve her abilities at the start of battle.

Overpower (Kaiser Knuckles) and Starshower (Dragon Claws) are great moves for quickly raising enemy Stagger, but her best move is Divekick (Leather Gloves) - a very fast and very powerful downward kick that, for much of the game, makes a great combo following an uppercut.

Close up of Tifa, dark haired woman, looking pensive
Image credit: Square Enix / Eurogamer

Barret best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

As a predominantly distance fighter, Barret is an indispensable member of the party. He uses his gun arm to shoot at enemies and, considering he fights at the fringes of battle, makes for a great support character and mage too.

On Triangle is his Overcharge move, which fires a series of powerful explosive bullets at enemies. This is great for both staggering enemies and dealing damage, but takes time to recharge - although charging can be sped up with repeated presses of Triangle. It's best to tweak weapons to buff Overcharge so it charges more efficiently on its own.

Barret's Bonus Round (Hi-Caliber Rifle) is a great ability that puts a limited number of special bullets in his gun barrel that are particularly effective for staggering enemies. Follow this up with the default Maximum Fury to unleash hell. His Lifesaver (Barrage Blaster) ability can also be used to absorb damage from allies, meaning others can be sent forth to deal damage while Barret hangs back and focuses on healing himself.

Close up of Barret looking angry wearing sunglasses
Image credit: Square Enix / Eurogamer

Aerith best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

Mainly a healer, Aerith is the weakest fighter in the party and arguably the most tricky to use. Her basic attacks are slow, while holding Square charges a Tempest that can be useful in staggering enemies - when fully charged it summons a Fleeting Familiar to assist. Aerith is best used as a healer and magic user, then, though you'll want to boost her ATB gain through Synergy skills and Materia.

Her Triangle move warps to her nearest Ward, which are placed on the ground through various moves offering buffs to spells. This warp can be useful in getting around the battlefield quicker, or even dodging certain attacks. Her Radiant Ward (Empress's Scepter) is perhaps the most useful as it speeds up her basic attacks considerably, or the Arcane Ward (Guard Stick) casts attack spells twice.

Other useful abilities include the default Sorcerous Storm, though this has minimal range so is best used when surrounded, and later Ray of Judgement (Plumose Rod) which can be used to both quickly stagger enemies and deal damage.

ff7 rebirth aerith rubbing her head
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Red XIII best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

A new playable party member for Rebirth, Red XIII can be considered something of a tank as his special move revolves around blocking. Repeatedly blocking enemy attacks will build up the Vengeance gauge, which can then be activated at any time using Triangle. This speeds up his attacks and boosts their damage, though a further hit of Triangle performs Syphon Fang that heals Red XIII by damage dealt. Expect his health to fall and rise considerably throughout fights.

However, Red XIII is particularly useful against groups of enemies. Holding Square performs a wide spinning attack that deals plenty of damage and rapidly boosts the ATB gauge. Follow this up with Stardust Ray (Mythril Collar) to absolutely melt enemies. Later, Reaper Touch (Brisingamen) can prove a life saver as it deals damage inversely proportional to current health.

Close up of Red XIII red lion dog creature smiling
Image credit: Square Enix / Eurogamer

Yuffie best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

Previously playable in Remake's InterMISSION DLC, Yuffie is the most dynamic party member able to jump in and out of battle with ease. This also makes her something of a glass cannon. With Triangle Yuffie will fling her shuriken at an enemy; press again to warp to its position and continue attacking (effective against flying or tall enemies), or press Square to unleash long-range ninjutsu. The Elemental Ninjutsu (4-Point Shuriken) ability can then switch its element to exploit enemy weaknesses.

Perhaps her best ability, though, is Doppelgänger (Bird of Prey), which effectively repeats every move - used for both dealing extra damage and healing. Windstorm (Twin Viper) and Blindside (Savage Dagger) are great for staggering and dealing damage - follow up with Banishment (Crystalline Cross) for big damage. Yuffie is a great option for equipping ATB boosting Materia, meaning she can quickly trigger Doppelgänger and smother smaller foes before they stand a chance.

Extreme close up of Yuffie in green top
Image credit: Square Enix / Eurogamer

Cait Sith best abilities and combat tips in FF7 Rebirth

The Moogle-riding cat is another new fighter for Rebirth, though he only joins the party later on so will be the least used character. He's a unique fighter for two reasons: firstly, he's sort of two-in-one fighting atop his Moogle; secondly, many of his abilities are based on luck.

Cait Sith will begin battles on the ground - hold down Square to perform a magical soundwave to attack multiple enemies. Once enough ATB has been reached, he can then summon his rideable Moogle with Let's Ride, at which point his Triangle move switches from Kitty Wallop to a powerful Dropkick. If he falls off the Moogle for any reason, Triangle will allow him to re-mount, or he can continue to fight independently.

Close up of Caith Sith, cute black cat with golden crown and palms together
Image credit: Square Enix / Eurogamer

In terms of abilities, his Roll o' the Dice (Yellow Megaphone) can prove useful though the outcome is random based on the number the dice lands on from 1-6. These are as follows:

  1. Fire and Thunder damage to all enemies
  2. Hypurr Beam ranged attack
  3. Wind and Ice damage to all enemies
  4. Total Outrage adds Fury status to party
  5. Regenerative Aura adds Regen status to the party
  6. Expansive Shield adds Protect to the party

Hope these combat tips come in handy on your Final Fantasy 7 journey!

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