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Fallout 4 New Vegas mod shares first 10 minutes of gameplay

Chip off the old block.

It's the ideal mod. Fallout New Vegas, re-made using the Fallout 4 creation engine, is everything I could have asked for and more. And now, after just over a year of development, the team behind the Fallout 4 New Vegas project has shared a first glimpse of their work.

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The clip shows the first 10 minutes of gameplay and features the cutscene from Dr. Mitchell's house. The video also displays the New Vegas character creator, re-worked to merge with the Fallout 4 version. Everything's been updated to look shiny and new (well, by Fallout standards), and there's even brand new professional voice acting. Mercifully, they haven't included the hundreds of DLC notifications from the original New Vegas.

New on the left, old on the right.

Looking at the team's updates, the project seems to be coming along nicely. Over the past few months, the team has shared images of 2D poster designs, updated gun models and re-vamped locations. Although Fallout 4 New Vegas will not include the DLC from the original, it's easy to see why, as re-creating the base game is a vast project in itself.

Vat's impressive.

If you're pumped from looking at that NCR propaganda, you may want to consider taking an active role in the mod project. They're looking for experienced modders and artists - so if you feel you fit the bill and are over 16, you can apply to be accepted onto the team here. Oh, and they're also looking for more voice actors: better get practising that southwestern American accent.

Is that a...tooth? On that gun?

Hopefully this mod won't suffer the same fate as similar re-make mods, such as Capital Wasteland, which had to be cancelled following copyright issues with Bethesda. Fingers crossed they won't get a Ceasar and desist letter.

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