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Failbetter Games announces Sunless Skies

Sunless Seaquel.

Failbetter Games has announced Sunless Skies, a sequel to Sunless Sea, live on stage at EGX 2016. The follow up to the Victorian exploration game is currently in the very early stages of development, with a Kickstarter campaign due to launch in February of next year.

As you have almost certainly guessed, Sunless Skies swaps the murky waters of the Unterzee for the open air, in a move best described as 'doing a Bioshock'.

Speaking to Eurogamer, Hannah Flynn of Failbetter Games said: "We hope Sunless Skies will be another helping of what players loved about Sunless Sea: the choices that make you close your eyes as you click, delivered in our finest prose, surrounded by atmospheric and lush art.

"I'm personally looking forward to the Kickstarter, because I joined Failbetter when Sunless Sea was in Early Access, so I missed the fun. Last time it led to two of us getting tattoos as a stretch goal..."

More details on Sunless Skies as we get them.

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