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Eurogamer Q&A: Win a limited edition Death Stranding PS4 Pro bundle

You'd be Mads to miss out.

You might not have heard, but there's a little indie game coming to PlayStation this Friday, and Sony's celebrating with the release of a new limited edition PS4 Pro bundled complete with a copy of the game in question. Which is Death Stranding, of course.

The limited edition console comes with special graphics and comes complete with a very special controller that mimics the BB carrier in Hideo Kojima's eagerly anticipated game. Sure, you could just get some ink on your hands and customise your own PS4, but it wouldn't be the same (and also there's some mighty fine detailing on the console and controller).

To stand a chance of winning one for yourself, just let us know in the comments what your favourite memory of playing a Kojima game is.

I can get the ball rolling: me and my housemate were obsessed with Metal Gear Solid, and when getting the train home after a few too many jars of absinth he went missing just as I boarded the train. There was a tapping on my first floor window in the dead of the night some four hours later, and it turns out he'd been inspired by our recent MGS sessions to make the four mile journey home Solid Snake style by stealthily clambering through people's gardens. He's an idiot, but he did manage to do the whole trip undetected.

Let us know your own stories in the comments below, and we'll pick a winner by 12pm on Thursday November 7th. Good luck!

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