Skip to main content Podcast Christmas Quiz 2013!

Two teams of idiots answer game-related questions to win next-gen prizes! Happy Christmas!

Silent night, holy night, ALL IS CALM, ALL IS BRIGHT. Whoops, sorry, still fiddling with the levels. Hello you! Just a little podcast audio quality-related quip there for regular listener(s). As we close in on the end of the year, we return to a festive tradition I invented last December: the Podcast Christmas Quiz!

For the record, I did not invent quizzes outright. In fact, Donlan tells me that the origin of the word quiz is completely unknown. Did you know that? I certainly didn't. And don't worry, it is not a subject covered on the podcast.

Instead, two intrepid teams of Eurogamer staff go head to head for the promise of fabulous next-gen prizes, answering questions based on this year's top stories, big reviews and wittiest straplines, as well as the best game of all time ever. I'm the host for this one, and I am joined by team keys - Oli Welsh and Martin Robinson - and team book - Donlan and Simon Parkin. Don't worry, all will be made clear(ish) in the podcast itself.

This will be the last podcast of 2013, but we'll be back in 2014 at our regular two-week interval along with any specials we feel like busting out. Thanks very much to anyone who has bothered to listen to us this year - we've had a lot of fun and we appreciate all your feedback along the way. Happy Christmas to you all and, as we're fond of saying on the podcast itself, apologies in advance.

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