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Eurogamer bank holiday plans!

Adventure! Excitement! Cars! Tombs!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Now then. It has come to my attention that there is another mandatory holiday next Monday, 31st May, and that this means Eurogamer staff do not intend to come to the office and do the enormous number of things I demand they usually do (such as coming to the office).

Unfortunately I never heard back about my super-injunction from the last bank holiday, and my new plan to lock everyone in from the outside was ruined when someone pointed out that there's a fire escape.

On the plus side, I have been able to assemble a handsome array of features for you to read while the Eurogamer team does normal bank holiday weekend things, such as having a picnic in front of the Google Docs, swimming in PDFs and downloading to-do list applications onto smartphones.

What sort of stuff? Well, Digital Foundry will be representing as usual with a deep dive into the technology behind the marvellous Blur, speaking to Bizarre Creations at length about how it achieved such great results in this week's new arcade racer.

On top of that columnist Rob Fahey considers the game-changing potential of Natal and other new controllers; regular Eurogamer contributor Jim Rossignol investigates the world of offbeat PC gaming mods; retro guru John Walker reintroduces us to an old friend; and Dan Pearson does a bit of digitally downloadable tomb-raiding...

Not content with that, there will be a review of Clash of the Titans, and once the bank holiday is over we're back with a bang on Tuesday for a massive reveal of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 following Eurogamer's recent trip to Tokyo to check it out.

Once again I can only apologise for the need to obey the law and let these work-shy bastards see their families, friends etc for more than the standard 10 minutes before and after sleeping (also done on-site). Hopefully our contingencies will keep you occupied nonetheless, and this situation will never reoccur.

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