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Ellie Gibson returns to Eurogamer, Oli Welsh becomes Deputy Editor

Does this mean I have to order them new business cards?

Just over 12 months ago, I was sitting at this very desk when I got a phone call from Ellie Gibson. She sounded a bit spaced out. After a few seconds of pleasantries she wearily announced: "I've had a baby!" I didn't know what to say. I think I said, "Oh cool."

Oooonly joking. Obviously I was delighted. We all were. Ellie has subsequently turned out to be an excellent mum, as we all knew she would be, and it has been fun visiting her every few weeks to catch her up on events in the world of games and see how young Charlie is progressing.

12 months later, though, I'm really happy to announce that Ellie's finally rejoined us. She'll be working part-time in the newly created role of Associate Features Editor, which reflects the fact that she's going to be focusing on more of the long-form, investigative feature content we've been producing in the last couple of years. It's a type of content we really love and Ellie is ideal for helping to make more of it happen.

It's also my happy duty to let you know that Oli Welsh has been promoted to Deputy Editor! Oli has been custodian of our review content for a couple of years now and will remain so. His new role reflects the much greater contribution he now makes to the overall direction of the site and the fact we all generally love him and think he's great.

Oh, and in case you're wondering what it's like leaving the games industry behind for a year, here's Ellie's thoughts on her return, as expressed on her Twitter yesterday: "Here's a sum-up of all the year in games sum-ups: sexism, sequels, Skyrim, rage, misery, ennui, Tokyo Jungle. Good to be back."

Also, a bit later: "Thanks for kind messages. Good to know I'm best remembered for that thing about a bear having a wank."

Welcome back Ellie and congrats Oli!

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