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EGX Rezzed Digital is looking for panels on your favourite gaming topics

Anyone can enter, submissions closing soon.

Hello! Just a little announcement on behalf of our friends and colleagues on the EGX events team, who are putting together a digital edition of the reliably wonderful Rezzed, which runs from 15th to 18th July.

Rezzed is seeking panel submissions for next month's event, and there's still time to apply: submissions close on Monday, 14th June.

You can find full details on the Rezzed site. The short version: the team is looking for panels on topics you are passionate and knowledgeable about, as serious or as silly as you like, and focused on the development, design and culture of games. Anyone can apply with panel ideas.

Panels will be pre-recorded, and there's some flexibility on format - if you don't want to do a traditional talking-heads Zoom call, just let the team know.

If you fancy following such fondly remembered Rezzed panels as "Why I Hate Corridors: Tips on Better Level Design" and "Designing Sex In Games", use this form to apply by Monday.

Transmission ends. See you online next month!

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