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Ed McMillen's Basement Collection coming to Steam in August

Eight games by Super Meat Boy's creator.

Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Issac creator Ed McMillen is releasing the Basement Collection - an anthology containing eight of his prior works - on Steam in late August. It will be priced at $4.

While each game can be played for free on McMillen's Newgrounds page, the Basement Collection will be ad-free, playable in full screen and come with a host of goodies.

These include: development sketches, early playable prototypes, tech demos, a free soundtrack with bonus remixes, and "four very large bonus unlockables that should make fans of my work quite happy," said McMillen on his official site.

The contents of the bundle include:

  • Aether (updated with new content, graphics make over, improved physics and achievements)
  • Time Fcuk (updated with new content, levels and achievements)
  • Spewer (updaed with new content, graphics make over, improved physics, new levels, new music track and achievements)
  • Grey Matter (added achievements)
  • Coil (added achievements)
  • Meat Boy (flash prototype) (no new content)
  • Triachnid (no new content)
  • Secret game (Locked. Updated with new content, soundtrack, difficulty modes and achievements)

For more information on Aether, check out this clip from Indie Game: The Movie where McMillen discusses how it represents his childhood.

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