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EA's Moore excited by new iTablet

Apple's next device to change gaming?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Apple's new tablet device could represent a bold stride into gaming for the stylish company, and there are none more excited about its potential than Peter Moore, president of EA Sports.

"If it's got a great screen, some buttons, you can turn it on and it connects to the internet, it's got the ability to be a games machine," said Moore, reported by Bloomberg.

Nevertheless, Moore remains as clueless as you or I about what Apple will actually reveal at special conference tomorrow. Intense speculation surrounds the revelation of an iTablet: a laptop-sized device that looks like a blown-up version of the iPhone, only with added new functionality.

And while Apple's App Store boom on iPhone may have been surprising both for the public and company, this time the eyes of the gaming community will be firmly on Steve Jobs' next move.

"The center of gravity in gaming is moving away from the console to these other devices. “We’re going to wake up a year from now and see that this is a very important part of gaming," said Bart Decrem, boss of Tapulous, a successful iPhone and iPod Touch developer.

Namco's Jon Kromrey added: "I'm having fun thinking about all the wonderful things we can do with the device when it’s announced."

Join us tomorrow to find out what Steve Jobs will pluck from the Apple tree next.

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