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Earth Defense Forces 4 trailer scuttles into view

Thanks thoraxing.

Details on the fourth official entry in the Earth Defense Force series have started to scuttle out of Japan, thanks to a preview in Famitsu magazine.

As translated by Gematsu, the game sounds like it will be staying close to the gloriously goofy B-movie tone that has made the series a cult favourite, with more giant ants, spiders and robots called Hector.

New features include a player class known as Wing Divers. These female troops take to the skies and use alien weaponry. They seem to be based on the Pale Wing character from the second game in the series, released in the west as Global Defence Force.

On the bug side, there's Retarius, a gigantic wasp spider that makes its nest in cities and waits for its prey. Unless its prey is packing a shoulder-mounted nuclear missile launcher, obviously.

EDF4 will also continue the online co-operative multiplayer theme introduced in the US-developed spin-off, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon, with play that will accommodate "large numbers of people" promised.

The official site for the game now opens on a view of Earth from space, with a timer counting upwards. Stick around long enough for the counter to reach June 28th 2025 - the date when the events in Earth Defense Forces 4 kick off - and you're treated to a trailer for the game. For the fan in a hurry, you can watch it below.

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