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EA joins coalition opposing the Defense of Marriage Act

From the publisher that let you save the galaxy as a gay person.

Electronic Arts has banded together with an alliance of US businesses that oppose the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a federal law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman.

The publisher recently signed an amicus brief that opposes DOMA and urges the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to find portions of the Act unconstitutional.

"DOMA presents a number of problems for businesses like EA, as it creates regulatory, tax, and discrimination complications for employers, and that's why we're standing against it. The underlying lawsuit impacts all employers no matter how big or small, and no matter the industry, and we encourage other business to join these efforts," wrote the publisher on its official site.

Last month EA publicly supported LGBT month and marched in both the San Fransisco and Seattle Pride Parades. Previously, EA defended gay employees in its "It Gets Better" campaign shown below.

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