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Dynasty Warriors 8 live stream at 5pm BST

That's a low blow, Lu Bu.

It may be called Dynasty Warriors 8, but as Tony Coles remarked in our review, the latest instalment in Tecmo Koei's series of beat-'em-up games is actually something like the 478th to combine the historical fantasy of Romance of the Three Kingdoms with running around a field volleying horses and charging up an attack meter.

There is a certain appeal, then, or else it would have gone the way of many of the warring factions it portrays sometime before now, but is that appeal obvious to mere mortals? If you join us at 5pm BST, you can go some way to finding out, because for his first stream of the week, Ian Higton will be hacking and slashing his way through giant enemy horses and anything else he comes across.

Join him and at the very least you'll be able to watch a man sweat while he contemplates whether to carry a pike or a bastard sword - probably for the first time in your day.

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