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DS sales will top 150 million, says Iwata

Reckons Nintendo consoles will beat PS2.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has predicted that global sales of the DS could top the 150 million mark.

Speaking to investors at a financial briefing (as reported by Gamasutra), 25.1 million DS units have now been sold in Japan, along with 27.6 million in the US and 31.4 million. For those who are rubbish at maths, that's 84.1 million in total.

But Iwata dismissed suggestions the handheld has now peaked, predicting its life cycle will exceed the traditional five-year span. In fact, he reckons Nintendo could end up selling 152.2 million units, thanks to the fact the gaming audience is expanding in the US, and even more significantly in Europe.

"I don't think it is appropriate to conclude that DS is reaching its final stages on the market," said Iwata.

The Nintendo exec predicted the Wii could also end up outselling Sony's hugely successful PS2, which has an installed base of 97.5 million units.

"With new customers acquired by the gaming population expansion efforts, it is not imposisble for Wii's total sales to exceed the final install base of PS2," he said. "Wii still has much more room for expansion."

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