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Drop everything, a new King's Bounty game has been announced

Warriors of the North to be the next PC RPG/strategy gem.

Forget everything else, a new King's Bounty game has been announced for PC - King's Bounty: Warriors of the North. And it's coming out this year, in Q4!

King's Bounty's the brilliant RPG strategy series from Russia that, frankly, surprised the life out of us in 2008. Our Dan Whitehead awarded King's Bounty: The Legend a whopping 9/10, and then our Alec Meer gave King's Bounty: Armored Princess an 8/10 a year later. They're great games, and well worth your attention.

In a nutshell, King's Bounty puts you in control of a hero who rides around a fantasy map gathering an army, relics, potions, etc. and bumping into baddies. Suitably bumped, a turn-based battle unfolds on a hexagonal tiled grid. The units in your army all have their pros and cons, and you as their mighty leader (who levels up) have an arsenal of abilities and spells to bolster what they do - or outright damage or affect the enemy.

It's very like the Heroes of Might & Magic games, if you've ever played those.

Warriors of the North brings another 60 hours of gameplay in a brand new world. That world's themed around the snowy Norse mythology, and you'll play as Olaf, son of the Northling King. He'll be able to call on the great Valkyrie gods to aid him on his quest to rid his father's kingdom of evil.

We presume King's Bounty developer Katauri's behind the game, but publisher 1C Company hasn't said.

The debut King's Bounty: Warriors of the North trailer offers a lengthy look at the game and what you can expect.

Shortness of breath.

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