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Dragon's Dogma 2 ending guide

Spoilers from beyond the Rift.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Want to know more about Dragon's Dogma 2's endings? Well, there are going to be spoilers here, so don't read on unless you don't mind that being the case. Seriously, we can't overstate that, so make sure you're completely fine with that.

With that in mind, Dragon's Dogma 2 doesn't have endings based on your morality, but your actions. You can also reach the endings surprisingly fast if you're happy to just mainline the main quests and follow them along.

With that out of the way, let's get into the information. And again - spoilers ahead.

On this page:

How many endings are there in Dragon's Dogma 2?

Dragon's Dogma 2, rather fittingly, has two endings. Oddly enough, you can sort of see both in the same playthrough, but we'll get to that in a moment. We've split the endings into the bad ending and the true ending, as that seems to be the best way to do it.

It's worth noting that either ending you choose will allow you to start the game over again but with all of your Vocations, levels, gear, and a fair chunk of your items all intact too. If you're worried that'll make you overpowered in the early game, then you're right, but it does feel incredible to walk around feeling like a true hero.

Image credit: Capcom

How to get the bad ending in Dragon's Dogma 2

For the 'bad ending', you'll just need to go through the story quests without doing anything special. You can do as much side questing as you like and not affect this as far as we can tell. Eventually, you'll reach a point where you're looking for Wyrmcrystal to repair the Godsbane, and that's the point where you'll really want to have stuff wrapped up.

Once you've done this, you'll go through a gate and basically be pushed into a fight against the Dragon. Beat the Dragon, and you'll find yourself watching some credits and walking through a throne room. To get this ending, all you need to do is go and sit down and not interact with anyone. If you do this, the game will start over, and you can go for the other ending next.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

How to get the true ending in Dragon's Dogma 2

The Dragon's Dogma 2's true ending is a little trickier to work out, and you can do so on your own, but in case you've already tried that and, let's say found yourself stuck in a loop, then here's how to escape it. Once you're walking through the throne room in the credits, go ahead and talk to the creepy ghostly person who's been guiding you throughout the game.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

Turn around after that talk and go and chat to them again, and you'll find yourself back atop the Dragon on the way to the final battle again. If you can't figure out what to do here, you'll end up fighting the Dragon once more and continue to do so until you can figure things out.

To avoid this loop, crawl along the back of the Dragon until you see the visual indicator for your heart resonating with the Dragon's heart. When this happens, your chest will glow, and you need to go into your inventory, choose the Godsbane, and then select use. Then choose to use it on yourself, and you'll be taken to the next part of the game. We're going to go into more specific spoilers about what happens next here, so stop reading if you want to avoid them.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Capcom

This sequence of events completely changes the world, and locks of parts as well. Passing the time also seems to lock even more locations. While there are quests to undertake here, your main aim is to destroy the red beacons dotted around the world. Go up to them, examine them, and beat the challenge they throw at you.

Once you've done all of them, a new beacon will appear at the centre of the map. You need to go to that, interact with it and follow along with the new events to hit the true ending. This will also send you back to the start of the game again if you want to, so you're not dooming yourself to never seeing Dragon's Dogma 2 again.

In summary: beat dragon, talk to creepy lady twice, use Godsbane as you get to the middle of the dragon, then continue playing and hit the red beacons and activate the middle one and play through the next sequence.

Good luck reaching Dragon's Dogma 2's true ending!

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