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Dragon Age II bug fix patch in the works

"Two biggies" are DirectX 11, auto-attack.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

BioWare's epic fantasy romp Dragon Age II arrives today and there are bugs - "two biggies", lead designer Mike Laidlaw told Eurogamer.

His team is "aggressively patching" these and hopes to offer fixes "as soon as humanly possible".

"There's been a few minor [bugs] and a few technical hiccups on PC. The two biggies that I'm aware of - that we're looking at aggressively right now - are on PC there seems to be some compatibility issues with DirectX 11," said Laidlaw.

"What I would say there is if you fire up the game and and it's running particularly slow or stuttery, move the renderer in visual options down to DirectX 9 for now. We're working with NVIDIA/AMD to make sure patches are coming out, because some if it is actually in the driver compatibility. We'll make sure that's rectified and resolved.

"The other biggie," he added, "and this is one that frankly is a bit of a 'mare' - is the consoles have... Unfortunately it's invisible right now but there is an option for auto-attack to be turned on on the consoles so it plays in the way that Origins did where you'd pick your target and your character would continue to attack.

"Due to a bug, that option is not being rendered, which means it's unpickable and invisible in the option screen, so that is another thing that we will be aggressively patching."

Laidlaw said people can still issue auto-attack orders via the radial menu, although "that wasn't the intent for the core gameplay". That's an issue BioWare is "going to catch in a patch as soon as humanly possible".

"The patches," he went on, "I can't really speak to time-frame because obviously they need to go through the quality assurance of Sony and Microsoft to make sure that they're up to their standards and so on. So that creates a little bit more delay then we'd hoped for."

Dragon Age II scored an admirable 8/10 on Eurogamer. But the acclaim hasn't been universal, with Laidlaw attributing strong negative reactions to "change backlash" and "emotional investment in the Origins story". He gave a full defence of his game Dragon Age II to Eurogamer this morning.

Eurogamer-captured Dragon Age II gameplay, an hour or so into the campaign.

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