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Double Fine: Europe will get Trenched

But "it might take a while".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Double Fine, creator of delayed downloadable warfare title Trenched, has promised the game will eventually see release in Europe.

Last month Eurogamer broke the news that Xbox Live Arcade game Trenched was blocked from European release by a trademark held by obscure Portuguese board game Trench.

Apart from the similarity in their names, both focus on military strategy and army ranks and are set in the World War I era.

Double Fine designer Brad Muir has now issued a statement to Destructoid promising the game will release in Europe - but it is publisher Microsoft who must fight the title's trademark issues.

"This entire process has been very frustrating to us and it makes us sad that the people of Europe can't play our game. Microsoft owns the IP for Trenched and they are working to resolve things as quickly as possible", he explained.

"I wish there was more information to give but it's still unclear as to how things will shake out. The one thing I do know is that the game will be released in those territories!

"It might take a while, but Europeans will have the opportunity to stick it to Vlad and his Tubes," Muir concluded.

Earlier this week fans feared the worst after Trench board game copyright holder Rui Alípio Monteiro vowed to continue waging his Trench trademark battle with Microsoft "with the main goal of putting Trench in the international Hall of Fame of both classic electronic and board games".

Double Fine's Trenched.

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