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Don't worry, Nintendo's still making Pikmin 4

It's just been "hard" to fit into the development schedule.

Exactly a year ago, Nintendo confirmed to Eurogamer that it was working on Pikmin 4.

Headed for NX?

The company's top designer Shigeru Miyamoto did not confirm which platform the game was being built for, but suggested it was a fair way to completion.

Since then? It's all gone rather quiet. But Nintendo has now reassured fans it is still working on the project.

"We're working on [Pikmin 4]," Miyamoto was quoted as saying during E3 last month (thanks, Game Rant).

"So, you know, when we're in development we have to create a list of priorities and it has been hard to kind of fit that into that list, but we're hopefully starting to see that on the list now."

It's likely that Pikmin 4 fell down Nintendo's list of priorities when the company decided to release its upcoming NX console in March 2017, rather than before Christmas.

Nintendo has not yet confirmed Pikmin 4 for launch on NX, but at this stage it is a safe bet.

In the meantime, Nintendo is throwing a huge amount of resources at The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - and it is paying off.

The company will also no doubt be developing other, unknown launch titles for the NX's launch to ensure the platform arrives with plenty to play.

Pikmin 3, Nintendo's previous game in its garden strategy series, launched for Wii U back in 2013. Before that, it was nearly a decade since the the series initial two entries on GameCube.

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