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Don't underestimate WipEout HD - Sony

60fps and 1080p make a big difference.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

WipEout HD lead designer Colin Berry says that anyone labelled the game as a port of its PSP predecessors "should not underestimate the changes that 60 frames per second and 1080p visuals make to the game".

Speaking in a Sony Q&A distributed to the press, Berry pointed out that while the environments are from PSP levels, everything has been rebuilt in high resolution with improved lighting and a new front-end.

"In some terms its easy to say 'it is a port', but that is something of a disservice, the game has had an overhaul and a freshen up in many little ways which combined give it a strong identity and make it a solid game in its own right. We certainly don't regard it as a port."

WipEout HD, which is due out in the next few months on the PlayStation 3 Store, offers a selection of the series' best racetracks, 2-8-player multiplayer online, and a soundtrack featuring Kraftwerk and Stanton Warriors among others.

Once it's out, Sony plans to support it with downloadable content. "We are still deciding exactly what downloadable content we will release for HD, but hopefully we will be releasing additional tracks which could include a mixture of old tracks and brand new ones," says Berry.

"Additional ships and music are also on the list of downloadable content we hope to release. We are also looking into releasing an extra game mode or two via downloadable content, but the exact extent and feasibility of this, we are still looking into. So for the time being, nothing concrete, but plenty of options are available to us."

Check out our WipEout HD screenshot gallery for the latest images of the game inaction, or head over to Eurogamer TV to check out our recent exclusive trailer.

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