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Donkey Kong Jr, Lego Batman 2 demo on Nintendo eShop

NES Golf! Theatrhythm DLC! Other things!

This Thursday's bumper 3DS eShop update includes Virtual Console versions of two classic NES titles and a demo for Lego Batman 2.

Donkey Kong Jr., first released on NES in 1983, will be available to download for £4.50 (previously free for 3DS Ambassadors). The title marks a rare appearance of Mario as an antagonist as you try and rescue Donkey Kong from the plumber's clutches.

Then there's NES Open Tournament Golf, the ageing Mario-fronted sports title from 1991. That costs £3.61.

Meanwhile, a demo of the excellent Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes is available to try for free.

Another week brings another four DLC tracks for Final Fantasy spin-off Theatrhythm (although we've had reports these are already available now). Nintendo lists the following for release this week, each costing 90p: The Royal City of Rabanastre / Town Ward Upper Stratum (FF12 - FMS), Crystal Cave (FF03 - FMS), Ragnarok (FF11 - BMS) and Challenge (FF10 - BMS).

Finally, there's puzzle title Rummikub (£7.20/800 DSi Points) on DSiWare, and 2020 Super Baseball on WiiWare (900 Points, about £6.30).

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